i love being in another medium than air

here are two pix i took last september in gumusluk in the city of mugla in southwestern turkiye. you can see the beautiful shore and sea and typical architecture around the village of gumusluk in the city of mugla in southwestern turkiye. you can see the mosque in the upper right as well as a fish restraurant right on the shore on the right. ohhh. i almost was going to make this pic my desktop now, but i decided not to because seeing places in complete contrast to where i am right now makes me depressed. we were looking at pix of trinidad the other day and i could not go on after 5 minutes because i'm ashamed to say that i felt like bombing somewhere. too animalistic but i can't help it!

also: http://www.goldenhorn-rotary.com/ercu/ERCU_FLASH_eng.html
click to see a presentation which gives you really interesting fun facts about turkiye. in case you haven't noticed i'm in love with my country because of it's history, nature, people, food etc. this presentation includes many aspects of it. it may take a minute to start, but if you ask my opinion! it is worth the wait.
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