skeletors of our world

the number one wrong that caught my attention is subsidizing local industries in United States which makes the product so cheap that it is actually cheaper for let's say Jamaica to buy milk from US than to produce its own on its own land. Jamaica once was a country that did not depend on imports, now most of the produce is coming to the island from the port in Miami.
also second wrong is the voting structure. my best friend wikipedia says: "the World Bank is controlled primarily by developed countries, while clients have almost exclusively been developing countries. Some critics argue that a different governance structure would take greater account of developing countries' needs. As of November 1, 2004 the United States held 16.4% of total votes, Japan 7.9%, Germany 4.5%, and the United Kingdom and France each held 4.3%. As major decisions require an 85% super-majority, the US can block any change."
then i did a little more research about these institutions supposedly formed to help allievate poverty around the world, i found out that All of its presidents since the World Bank Group's inception in 1945 were Americans. i am sorry but i have to be suspicious of that. especially when i that the list includes major hawks like Robert McNamara who was one of the biggest advocates of the senseless killing in the Vietnam war by providing false information to the American public and his 21st century reincarnation Paul Wolfowitz, the hawk that is one of the leading supporters of the Iraqi war and fierce advocate of the so-called "New World Order" policies of the neo-con American government. gotta watch the excellent documentary that fully exposes the sinister policies of Robert McNamara called "the FOG OF WAR."
the important thing to keep in mind is that history is repeating itself as we speak. all the issues that have been pointed out as wrong about the current Iraqi Massacre such as providing false facts to public to gain support, censuring and manipulating journalists have already taken place in 1960s and 1970s in America. people suffer from amnesia all around the world. and some are so smart that they do not shun to make use of this most-common human disease.
also, i gotta even more suspicious (and a little scared) when i see that the last two presidents of the World Bank have last names that start with "wolf" !!
- James Wolfensohn(May 1995–June 2005)
- Paul Wolfowitz (June 2005-Present)
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