here we go again
yes, due to unplanned but definitely fortunate circumstances regarding my brain and its ability to remember my username and password to my previous blog, i ve decided to carry on the legacy on this page. it s a fresh start. it s bigger than ever. two thumbs up.
now, the best thing about this new existence on the net is that i now officially own a laptop (i had to give my old one to my mom to sooth her lonely nights in ny, which crashed after a few months anyway). i have even signed up for broadband service which should be hooked up early next week. on top of that, taking a step closer to how most of americans spend their time, i also requested cable service for my apartment. they actually are coming today to hook it up.
signing up for things in this country of thieves and pirates is one of the most self-destructing things one can do. when you call and let them know of your desire to be a bill-payer for them, they intentionally do not tell you of any fees or taxes that will definitely appear on your bill other than their campaign price of $x.99. i had to milk the information off the woman with a disiplined interrogation method. it turns out that i had to pay about $10 more each month. of course, nobody tells that to me.
now, the best thing about this new existence on the net is that i now officially own a laptop (i had to give my old one to my mom to sooth her lonely nights in ny, which crashed after a few months anyway). i have even signed up for broadband service which should be hooked up early next week. on top of that, taking a step closer to how most of americans spend their time, i also requested cable service for my apartment. they actually are coming today to hook it up.
signing up for things in this country of thieves and pirates is one of the most self-destructing things one can do. when you call and let them know of your desire to be a bill-payer for them, they intentionally do not tell you of any fees or taxes that will definitely appear on your bill other than their campaign price of $x.99. i had to milk the information off the woman with a disiplined interrogation method. it turns out that i had to pay about $10 more each month. of course, nobody tells that to me.
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